Thursday, July 8, 2010

Aus Hearing 7th July 2010

Quick visit today - only 30mins instead of the usual 2hrs!

Today was the appointment to redo J's earmoulds which were *hopelessly* made last time. I decided to get K's other one re-done too, as it has got worse in the last 4 weeks (had one re-done about 4wks ago). Hopefully they'll get the order right this time...

J's had quite a bit of discharge from his left ear lately, which means he hasn't been able to wear that hearing aid for nearly 10 days. The grommet is still there and his middle ear & eustachian tube appear clear according to the measurements taken as Aus Hearing, so that's a good thing. K's still a little blocked, but we have another 4wks before his next appt, so hopefully he'll clear in that time.

So now we wait for the moulds to come...

Next appt: Tues 3rd Aug - K @ Aus Hearing