Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kaelen's Aus Hearing follow-up

Tues 14th Oct - nothing unusual to report at this follow-up appointment, except that Jarrah again amazed the audiologists by being far more interested in all their instruments and noise-makers for Kaelen's tests than in the puzzles or toys they were offering him, and also by singing back some of the noises at pitch :-) And no, we didn't get any results worth recording from the tests cos Jarrah helped a bit too much...but we did take new impressions for new ear-moulds (babies grow so fast at this age!!) and setup the next couple of appointments. I think i shall have to have Jarrah visit somebody for Kaelen's appointments, and probably vice versa as Kaelen gets older.

Next appt: Tues 28th Oct, Mater Cochlear Implant Team for Jarrah. I have no idea what's going to happen at this appointment, which is actually a strange feeling, as most of the appointments we have these days are follow-ups, check-ups, or appointments for Kaelen that i've already been to with Jarrah. I don't know if they're going to assess him for implant candidacy, or if this is just some sort of preliminary informationy-type appointment. We'll see...


Laetitia :-) said...

I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be easier for you if Jarrah were profoundly deaf and therefore (potentially) an obvious candidate for cochlear implants rather than this "is he/isn't he" situation.

All the best for the next appointment.

Alison said...

Yes sadly it is one of those mixed up emotions you get when you face this sort of unknown diagnosis.

The really distressing thing is that some of the experts have made sounds one way or the other, only to change their minds at follow-up appointments. What would / have we lost by jumping with the first opinion???

Certainly you are happy when they go from "implant" to "just hearing aids", but when the opersite comes along you can get yourself in a real tail spin.
