Monday, January 12, 2009

January appointments - ENT & chiro

Sorry, forgot to blog about these ones, they were reasonably inconsequential...

Tuesday 6th January - ENT checkup for Kaelen. Kaelen first saw our ENT when he was about 10wks old, and was far too tiny at that point for the ENT to see anything much in his ears, so we were advised to come back when he was about 6 months old. Since that happened on New Years Day, we duly went back and apparently the view was much easier, and there's no sign of any fluid behind his eardrums at all! This is very good, and it will now be interesting to see the results of Kaelen's first VROA (puppet test), due to be done in early March.

ENT had a look in Jarrah's ears too, while we were there, and they appear to be clear atm as well. They have been discharging in an alternating fashion over Christmas, but that appeared to be co-incidental with the arrival of certain 2-yr-old molars. Since the teeth have arrived, the ears appear to have righted themselves. We did purchase a small otoscope so we could keep an eye on things more closely ourselves, but hopefully we're over the worst of it, and if we can keep Kaelen well this winter, we may be able to avoid the middle-ear issues we've had with Jarrah. I believe his middle ear troubles really began in about May 2007 when he got a bad cold which lasted about 8wks...that was pretty much the beginning of the end!

We had a fun trip in and out of town on the train - it's the first time i've not had Jarrah in the stroller, so it was going to be interesting to see how well he coped with all the walking. We stopped at our local park for a quick play on the way to the train station (so Kaelen could go to sleep) and then walked the rest of the way. Unfortunately J fell during that walk, and something made walking uncomfortable for him, so he didn't walk much at all that day, he mostly perched on the front of the pram! He was very good and didn't wiggle about or cause any difficulty, and walked well when i needed him to. We boarded the train (which was unexpectedly packed!) and he found himself a seat right away, just near the door where we always sit atm. No help from me, he knew what to do...

Wednesday 7th Jan - Chiropractic check-ups for both boys. Dr checked them all over and said they're doing great. Just a few small adjustments, but generally fine. The advice is to go back every 3 or 4 months, but i must confess that Sandgate is quite a drive with 2 small kids, so we're just doing twice a year atm, especially since they seem to be doing fine and not needing major adjustments each time.

Next appt: Mon 19th Jan, K Paediatrician

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