Sunday, April 12, 2009

We have consonants!!

In the last few days, Kaelen has begun to make some consonant sounds, rather than all vowels! This is cause for great celebration, cos it's a sign that his speech is (a) developing, (b) developing normally, and (c) developing age-appropriately.

Last Sunday (Apr 5th), he discovered that rubbing his bottle in his mouth while saying "Aaah" made a pretty cool sound. He pretty soon found that the same effect could be achieved using his fist, or my shoulder, whichever was most convenient at the time. On Sunday night, he began to say "Mmmm", which was very encouraging. On Monday we got "Ummm" and "Umaa", and then on Thursday we got both "aba" and "ama", plus a few repetitions. This morning, Easter Sunday morning, we're getting lots of "abababa", which sometimes also sounds like "amamama", and we're hoping that from here on Kaelen's speech & language development will continue to progress 'normally'.

Kaelen was 9 months old on the 1st of April, so to have then beginnings of consonants at this age is well within 'normal' developmental ranges. Hooray!!!

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