Sunday, August 2, 2009

Am I allowed to sing the praises of early intervention? Too bad, cos i'm about to...

I cannot begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. Is this what parents with hearing children experience? I don't know, but elation is probably a word that comes close.

Kaelen is currently in his room "reading" books. I just went to have a look at what he was reading, and he turned a page, pointed to a picture of a duck and said, "duck!"

(Imagine mouth hanging open, synapses dizzy with joy)

At 13 months old!

Maybe that's normal, but when J was 13 months old, all he could say was "aahhhh", and in hindsight he was completely deaf at this point. Kaelen is now saying/signing "please" when he wants something, has jsut told me there's a duck in his book, and the other night was trying to copy "ssssss" for the sound a snake makes (comes out "pfff", but not a bad try!). For a hearing impaired child, i think that's pretty darn good.

Why the difference?

Early intervention.

Jarrah's age when hearing aids first fitted: 18 months, following 4-6 months of total deafness due to fluid in the middle ear. Kaelen's age when hearing aids first fitted: 3 months, with constant monitoring and fortunately no fluid. My thoughts: the earlier you can get hearing aids into a hearing impaired child, and monitor their middle ear pathology, the better!

Anyway, nothing to do with appointments or anything, but jsut a quick note of joy that Kaelen's speech & language seems to be developing quite well thankyou very much!!

Next appt: J's Aus Hearing checkup, Wed 9th Sept

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