Friday, June 1, 2012

MissJ's new ears!

Pictures to accompany previous post...

Yes, the moulds are different colours, the lighter one is a spare one because we managed to lose one of her old hearing aids 4 days after ordering the new ones...

And here's a size comparison...old hearing aid obviously on top.

They still look a bit big on her, but we're all getting used to them. Her language has improved already; she's beginning to say things that she had said months ago but be honest I hadn't noticed she'd stopped saying them. I had noticed that she hadn't really said much new in a while, but not that she'd stopped saying some things! And tonight she detected all 7 Ling sounds, which she hasn't done in quite some time. Only struggled with "sss", but that's to be expected given her 4kHz overall, a very positive step!

Next appt: Fri 8th June Aus Hearing follow-up

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Hope these hearing aids work even better than the others :)