Thursday, November 27, 2008

Strike, how can a kid grow so much?!?

Well i thought Kaelen was looking bigger (especially longer), and some of the mums at MOPS yesterday commented that he looked bigger, but this morning we went to child health and found out just How MUCH! :-)

It seems that in the last 4 weeks Kaelen has put on nearly 1 whole kilogram (!) and grown about 5cm in length!! My goodness boy, are you thinking NBA already?!? Perhaps he was just doing some catching up (and stashing a bit away for Ron...), but to me that seems an astronomical amount to grow in 4 weeks. At least we know what he's been doing with all the milk he's been drinking...

Thinking of starting solids next week, really only so we can offer him a wide variety of tastes and flavours before he gets too set in his ways at the ripe old age of 6 months, as i've heard of happening. Perhaps he'll actually have some need for them by then too...

On the hearing front, Kaelen has begun to respond very clearly to voices in the last 7-10 days. He has always responded well to noise-makers such as rattles & cymbals & cellophane (a favourite!), but about 10 days ago at his speech lesson he decided that he liked "meow" very much, and would grin from ear to ear upon every repetition. During last week this reaction gradually spread to other sounds, "moo", "quack quack" (especially from Daddy!), "woof woof" & other animal sounds. This is a great sign, cos it shows he's really beginning to tune in to voices, which is critical for developing speech. He even responded to a few things without his hearing aids, so there's obviously enough residual hearing there that he still gets some input without his technology. According to his speech teacher, we should expect him to develop age-appropriately; because he got his aids so early, he really hasn't missed much at all.

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