Thursday, November 27, 2008

Which comes first - the chicken or the egg?

Or, in this case, the teeth or the ears?

Since my last entry, Jarrah's ears have continued to discharge, alternating sides of course - and then i discovered he had a new tooth! His first 2-yr-old molar! That was prob about 2 weeks ago, and followed a few days of runny nose in addition to ear discharge. Then, last week, about when the discharge swapped sides, i discovered a second 2-yr-old molar.

So, which comes first - the teeth or the ears?

Now i'm not sure if the ear discharge is related to or even caused by the teeth, or if the timing was just unhappy co-incidence. I also don't know if the runny nose was caused by either the teeth or the ears, or how about's all a mystery. What i do know is that he's hearing spectacularly at the moment, so any discharge that is there doesn't appear to be bothering him too much...

Children are complicated sometimes... :-)


MattG said...

Children are complicated SOMEtimes??!?


Laetitia :-) said...

I believe the whole teeth / ears thing is connected - I've heard of that before - maybe it's an interconnected skeletal thing. Then of course, runny nose and ears are commonly connected too - think of how you open your Eustachian tubes but how you have to be extra careful when you have a cold because you don't want to blow much into your ears!

Laetitia :-) said...

oops - I meant "muck", not "much"