Thursday, August 7, 2008

The journey thus far... - part 5

I looked up Upper Cervical Chiropractors in the Brisbane area, and had the choice of Burleigh Heads or Sandgate :-s Neither were very good options from where we are, but i decided to go with Sandgate, i think it's actually closer than the Gold Coast. I made an appointment for Jarrah and was very pleased to be able to see someone very quickly - they offered me appointments for the next day! Although we couldn't go the next day, we did, ironically, end up going the following Monday, right at the time we were supposed to go to our first speech lesson at the intervention centre! I thought it was funny...

The chiropractor we saw was lovely, and had a great manner with small children. Jarrah was obviously aware that this was someone new, but was comfortable with him and allowed the doctor to touch him, which was a great start. I had previously taken Jarrah to my osteotherapist, but J would hardly let her get near him so she wasn't able to do much for him. J seemed much happier with this chiro, for some reason, so he went ahead and made the adjustments he felt were necessary. He did warn me that i wouldn't see a difference immediately, that it may take 7 days to see any real change, and that the full effect may not be seen for up to 6 weeks - kind of reassuring that he wasn't promising miracles, almost instilled some sense of confidence that you weren't being strung along; felt realistic, and that the practitioner had a sense of that reality too. J was very good and sat / lay very still for all the adjustments, and then we made a follow-up appointment for the following week, to make sure the adjustments had stayed put.

Well we didn't really see any difference in the first 7 days. Went back for the follow-up, everything was as it should be, hooray, then it was a matter of waiting. The next day, i thought i began to see a difference in J's responses...i developed my 'cot test', as i still felt his hearing fluctuated from day to day. First thing in the morning, when it was time to get J up for the day, i'd go to his door and call his name in my normal speaking voice. Jarrah was usually already awake and usually at the far end of his cot facing away from the door, so he had to  hear me to make any response at all. Some days i had to yell loudly before he responded, yet other days he'd spin around right away - so variable! From about 7 days after that initial chiro adjustment, his response seemed to be quick more often...or was i just imagining it?

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