Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Grommets, take 3

Wed 8th Dec - Today Jarrah had his third set of grommets inserted. The right grommet from the previous set came out about 12months ago while the left one was still there, but his right ear has been blocking up again. Back in August we were at Aus Hearing for Kaelen & they checked J's tympanometry while we were there; his middle ear was blocked up then, and we were advised that if it was still blocked at his November check-up then we should return to our ENT. This we did a few weeks ago, and it was decided to replace both grommets.

Being older this time, and with more understanding of what's going on, we spent more time this time preparing J for what was going to happen. Keith took the day off work and we let J choose who took him to the hospital (Daddy), and made sure that he knew they'd have to leave early in the morning and he wouldn't get to have breakfast. He seemed to cope fine with all this, and I'm pleased we talked about it lots in the week leading up to the operation. I printed him a December calendar and marked on it all the things we do, as well as "Jarrah goes to hospital" on Wed 8th, and he still loves to point that out :-)

He's had general anaesthetics before so i was fairly sure there wouldn't be any side-effects, but expected him to be a bit sleepy afterwards. Fortunately he was 2nd on the list so his surgery was early in the day, and they were home about 11am! He seemed to bounce back from the GA really well, and even went to Kindy the next day (whereas i had expected him to not really be up to it).

Must confess i haven't really noticed a difference in his hearing function since having the right ear cleared out, but i'm trusting that it's made life easier for him...

Next appt: Thurs 9th Dec (tomorrow) - Mater Audiology for Jonica

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