Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jonica - Aus Hearing follow-up

Tues 30th Nov - Today we returned to Australian Hearing for a follow-up appointment after Jonica received her hearing aids on Nov 15th. This is just to check how things are going, that she's accepting them well, that she's actually getting to wear them (trickier than you think with a newborn!), that she's not being disturbed by loud sounds, to answer any questions the parents might have, and to take impressions for new ear-moulds if necessary. At this age babies grow so fast that they don't normally get more than 2-4weeks out of a set of moulds, so it's a very regular procedure!

I was most curious today to see how MissJ's middle ears were performing. At the fitting appointment back on the 15th, neither eardrum was actually moving so she was quite blocked up. She has to return to the Mater to complete the ABR testing, so it's important that we get these middle ears clear. She did have an appointment on Thurs 2nd Dec but i stupidly cancelled it based on the results of the Nov 15th appointment, assuming that her ears wouldn't clear in would have been smarter to have waited until today's appointment, but there you go.

All the preliminary checks and questions were fine, she's wearing her aids probably on average 2-4hrs per day - which doesn't sound like much, but when you consider that she's asleep for about 14-17hrs per day then it's really not too bad. We will be aiming to increase this as she's awake for longer periods of time, but i must confess there are also times when i simply wouldn't think so, but i do!!

Then, the much-anticipated (by me) tympanometry...drum roll please - her eardrums were both moving nicely!!

Bother, now i *really* wish i hadn't cancelled that Mater appointment!!

But, it's fantastic news that her ears are clear, cos it means she's hearing even better than we thought now that she has her hearing aids. I noticed a difference in her responses to sound the day after she received her ears...even more focussed on us when we spoke to her, she'd turn to me when i spoke if she wasn't already looking at me, if she was wiggling and i spoke or sang to her she'd stop and i was really thrilled to know that she was hearing better than i thought, and that we don't have to make another visit to our ENT...who is a really nice guy, we really do like him, but we'd rather not sponsor his next overseas holiday *entirely* by ourselves! :-)

The rest of the appointment was all routine stuff...check the hearing aid settings to make sure they're correct, take new impressions (did Kaelen's too, as his moulds are getting a bit small, and since we were there...), and make more appointments...

So, now to ring Mater back and see if we can get an ABR appointment before Christmas... *sigh*, really wish i'd kept the original one!

Next appt: Wed 8th Dec - grommet surgery for Jarrah

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