Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Oops...a dental interruption!

Thurs 5th June

Kaelen came home today saying he had a sore tooth, that someone had knee'd him in the mouth at school. Hmmm, not what you want to hear from a Prep class. Had a look and it looked very much like the tooth had been broken off, and the area was clearly inflamed and slightly bloody. Looks like we need a trip to the dentist!

Managed to get an appt at 11am the next day, so off we went. They took an x-ray, which showed that the tooth had in fact been impacted, pushed back further into the gum. We could also see the adult teeth underneath, and the root of the baby tooth was very close to it. So, on dentist's advice, poor Kaelen had to lose his first baby tooth by extraction! 

Here's the impacted tooth...

And here's the resulting gap...

The joys of boys :-)

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